Power Station - Military Base B423 (Basement)
The information has been known for several months, a disused American base, closed in 1991, is located at the 21 rue du Sentier.
A new way to access (illegally) the B-423 military complex has been found! This time the exploration takes place in the 1st basement of the base, a staircase prohibited to the public will take you to this abandoned area.
POWERSTATION seems accessible to exploration. Reinforced concrete walls, drainage pipes, electrical room, someone will guide you to the entrance... but can you get out of there?
Also discover the other escape room: PC Security of the B423 database
3 to 6 players
75 mn
35% of success
Lab info: It is not one but two areas of the military base that have been discovered! Oneway combines exploration and escape game in a game formatted for 3 to 6 players.
Your mission will last up to 75 minutes. Plan 2h on site.
Children from 12 years old accompanied by an adult.
👤 3 to 6 players : 1 Room | 28€ per person |
Co-payment available More infos
ONEWAY ESCAPE : Basement @The Escape LAB - 21 rue du sentier 75002 PARIS
Air-conditioned game
L'avis de Gaetan_S18 : Accueil très sympathique, et très bonne atmosphère immersive de la salle ! L'exploration à la frontale fonctionne très bien les premières minutes. Le scénario est intelligent dans sa construction. Nous avons tous passé un très bon moment !
L'avis d'Amélie B. : Super immersion et intrigues prenantes, c'est top ! Pour la PowerStation, le niveau ne rigole pas du tout, soyez prêts ! :p
L'avis de Ludovic G. : Quoiqu’un peu technique la base militaire désaffectée remplie parfaitement sa fonction, bon niveau de réflexion et logique sont au rdv avec une pointe de stress : à faire !
Oneway Escape
Escape games since: 2015
Origine: Lyon
Its history
The specialist in a new escape game concept based on Urbex: the exploration of closed or forbidden places. Here a military base has been discovered, inside several areas to explore...
Its realisations
- Security Post - Base B423
- Powerstation - Base B423